大家期待已久的这一天已经到来!The Future of Yesterday 正式发布完整版视频。值得一提的是对单板滑雪影片的付出经常是面子大于真诚的友情。但这部影片The Future of Yesterday 并不是!它是一群真实的朋友组成的,又碰巧是一群最棒的世界一流滑手Pro们为你们奉上的惊艳大片。很久以前,有传闻说他们是一群富二代,过着富足享乐的日子。碰巧这一雪季他们把精心挑选的精彩视频以“好时光”献给了大家。团队所有成员的核心主旨目标是帮助彼此,获得单板技巧的诀窍。而且团队也有很严格的规定,当团队成员达到十人时,就会进行非常严格的人数管控规则。
The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here, the official release ofThe Future of Yesterday.It’s worth noting that the cast of snowboard films is often dictated more by politics than genuine relationships.The Future Of Yesterday’sis not. This is a crew of actual friends, who just happen to be some of the best snowboarders in the world. Long before they coined themselves the Cozy Bois–that happened this season–they were collectively sharing their contest winnings in the name of a good time. The crew’s mentality is centered on helping each other get tricks, and when that number totals ten, it enables Halldor’s Blackout Rule.
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